Fireworks, fireworks, everywhere fireworks. It was wonderful to hear from Billy. He described last night as being remarkable. He started off by asking if we remember seeing the movie, Aladdin. Specifically when Aladdin flies on the magic carpet to India and there are fireworks everywhere. Well, that is what Billy and his companion experienced last night during a celebration of Dewali that went on all night. The Elders were told to stay indoors because of the danger of all the fireworks. Billy said they all went up to the roof so they could see the huge fireworks that filled the sky. He said he has never seen such a display, and he doesn't think any other firework show would come close to this one. They felt like if they reached out, they could actually touch them and the noise level was unbelievable. The forth of July doesn't compare to this holiday. Billy said that nothing can be compared to a Devali night on the roof of a eight story building.
The work in India is very hard, but very rewarding. Members is India are so excited about the missionary work, and they dream that one day they will have a temple of their own.
Last Sunday, Billy had his first Baptism. He baptized a sister by the name of Sujatha Judke and Elder Tyler baptized her husband. They have been teaching the couple for about a month and a half and it was a so wonderful to help them make that necessary covenant with the Lord. They are a great family and are very dedicated. The Judkes travel an hour and a half by bus to get to church every Sunday. Walking to their home in dress shoes is hard on the feet, but trying to run from their home to the bus stop to catch the last bus at night is a real challenge. There is a reason that the Lord sent athletes to India. You definitely get your speed up.
It is very interesting how the Lord prepares people. As a missionary, we can tell who is prepared to receive the message and who isn't quite there yet. There are three ways you can tell if someone is prepared: (1) they know you are representatives of the Lord; (2) they keep the Commandments; and (3) they are looking for the truth, but do not know where to find it. The hard part of any mission is finding the people who are ready. Once you find them it is remarkable to see how fast they grow and how fast the spirit teaches them.
Currently, Billy and his companion are teaching a family of four.
A funny story. Billy said he realizes how hard a domestic mission would be. Last week he and Elder Tyler had the opportunity to talk with an American women who happened to live in Washington DC at one time. It was so nice to talk with someone from home. She asked why we were in India and they told her that we were serving a mission for our Church. She laughed and said to save it for someone who cares. She was quick to say that she and her husband didn't have time for this and they really don't care. After she walked away, Billy's companion asked what religion he thought she was and Billy said, "American." He said that it is so disappointing to hear and see how hard-hearted so many Americans have become. He related it to the story of Alma, when the Nephites become prideful and lived in wickedness. The Lord cannot bless one wicked son over another.
Billy loves serving the lord and is truly enjoying the people of India. Transfers are coming and he is hopeful that he will be able to remain in the same area for a while. He loves the members and he feels like he would love to have the opportunity to see the people he has been teaching commit to be baptized.